Category Archive: Short Story

Why Being a Psych Student Doesn’t Make Me a Magician

One of the most common responses to someone finding out I am a psych major is “What am I thinking” Or “Ok tell me about me” And man does that get old. For… Continue reading

Coffee Shop Talk Makes a Psych Student Rant.

Today I woke up and was determined not to spend the day in my apartment. I am the type of person that doesn’t enjoy exploring alone but at the same time if it… Continue reading

November 15th: Thoughts Today Part 2

Today I went out and hung out with my friend Senpai. I hadn’t seen him in a long time because we kept making plans just for me to have to cancel because of… Continue reading

Kimella: Saturday Morning Routine

Kimella arched her neck rubbing her cheek against her pillow. She sighed burring her face in the space between her two stacks of pillows before rolling over and sitting up folding her comforter… Continue reading

Kimella Story #1: I don’t know if I was herding cats, boys, or emotions.

Kimella had a way of procuring strengths that in the wrong situations became weaknesses and that night was one of the more colorful wrong situations she had been in. In life there are… Continue reading

Those types of moments

Note: This list is of moments that I have experienced and shared with loving, wonderful people. It’s moments of friendship and love, not romance. But great moments all the same. It is a… Continue reading

Introduction: Kimella

I want to start dabbling in realistic fiction. I almost always write fantasy or science fiction and I have no idea if I have any talent when it comes to more realistic fiction.… Continue reading

If I were a god

If I were a god, I would only exert power over my life, my surroundings, and only would I affect another persons life with their permission, to help them. I would spend part… Continue reading

A Defining Moment by Merida

This is a piece I wrote on the blog I share with my best friend.

Preface (to further self elaboration)

You know how people are often categorized as either introverted or extroverted. Well I have never been so good at fitting either label. I always felt like a wiggled around on that border… Continue reading

I once played the role of Belle, the beauty

Maybe they were just beauty and the beast but she just wasn’t the right kind of beauty… (and so the stories goes.) She saw the man before he was buried under the fur… Continue reading