February 7: Thanks Today

Like thoughts today, thanks today will be an entry about everything that I am thankful for that day. I want to be good about posting one everyday but since I have been so busy lately I am not going to force myself to commit to it but instead keep it as a general thing I try to do.

So here is todays thanks.
I am thankful for..

– The beauty of my friends and their ability to be strong and do what they think is right.
– The love and kindness of new friends and how thoughtful they have been towards me.
– The generosity of my nana and how her gift to me for graduation allowed me to get my macro lens.
– How ridiculously comfy my bed is and how it allows me get wonderful sleep.
– How supportive my family is and all the blessing that come with having a loving family.
– Pretty necklaces
– Cute boots
– The laughter of my loved ones
– My car and how many adventures it allows me to go on.
– My love of writing and drawing and how I can always have a positive way to express myself.
– Deep/long conversations with friends
– My beautiful hang out spot under the bridge.