10 Memories of College Life (Associates Version)


Memory #1: I once convinced the group of people I was with (15+ people) to lift a car with me in the walmart parking lot. The task only took 10 of us if that, probably 8 boys, me and another girl and we lifted a little chevy aveo much like what I own now. We lifted it up a foot or so off the ground, had no plan of attack, shuffled a little bit then set it down slightly crocked. Meaningless, yep, hilarious, you bet. Especially because a cop saw us do it and proceeded to ask us about it only to then be totally chill and hang out with us while running his lights and letting the random pot heads that joined us climb in the back yelling “fill his quota!”


Memory #2: My friend Zues and I spent many a long night telling each other stories about our lives, our romances, our dreams, and any story ideas we might have had at the time. Some times we would sit in my car at the Silverdale waterfront, other times we would go lay on the beach under a big piece of drift wood and look up at the stars. Sometimes he would spend the night at my house and we would fall asleep telling each other any random thing that popped into our head. Such things like dolphins and long jewelry and christmas lights just to wake up in the morning having my roommate knocking on the door and to him yelling “Don’t come in I’m naked!” FYI, he wasn’t, and he was gay.


Memory #3: How no matter how many years passed and how busy we were my Best friend Jeanette and I always found time to call each other and tell each other in great detail the ridiculousness of our lives and what was going on with us at any given time. We also make sure to call each other on our birthdays. Mine is April 14 and hers April 15th and we try our best to talk both nights. Even if one of us is at a party with drunkards yelling at us to come back inside haha.


Memory #4: One night my Ralphie, Zues, and one of my friends at the time went night swimming. The girl and Ralphie refused to go into the water but me and Zues went in and we sat in the water and played a game where we tried to keep the water as still as possible even though he wouldn’t stop making me laugh. Afterwards we all went to this cabin that Ralpie was staying in and the road was so narrow and windy and downhill that Zues decided to pretend like we were in Jurassic park. One of the goofiest car rides ever. I loved it. I got to fall asleep surrounded by friends wearing one of Ralphie’s oversized t-shirts. Wonderful night.


Memory 5: Coming home party I hosted for my friend in the marines were all the girls but like 2 cancelled last minute and all the guys I invited brought more guys. Probably 20+ people easily crammed into this tiny apartment. I go out to get cups and come back to my dining room table in the living room, my couch in the dining room, and a teddy bear hanging from the ceiling. Not to mention my friends using the com to try to terrorize people walking by the building. We got a noise complaint and got kicked out just to have people pile into cars and me end up in a car with friends drunk singing and Zues writing this whole tv show drama were we are all different alien species on a spaceship and there is all this love drama conflict. Hilarious.


Memory 6: Meeting my wonderful friend Max and every night of goofy outings or late night show marathons. We would watch Happy Endings together, have parties, sometimes he would make me food, other times we would just sit and laugh. No matter what we did we always had a great time. For a while that boys couch was like my second home.


Memory 7: Middle of the night glow in the dark frisbee. Too many people, only glow sticks on our wrists to be able to tell where people are. A lot of running into each other, a lot of confusion, and way too much fun.

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Memory #8: Hookah nights with Ralphie. Coming over and tiding up then sitting and talking on the couch, many times while being rolled up in warm blankets. Watching some meaningless show that I never much paid attention to and sometimes eating whatever delicious food Ralphie decided to throw together.


Memory #9: While going to Olympic College I got it into my head that I wanted to talk to a new person each day. One of the people I did this with was Meli, who who woulda thunk, turned into one of my best friends. It was the science and math department building and she was sitting on a bench by herself with her back against the windowed wall. I walked up to her and was like “Hi, I’m Camielle, can I sit with you?” She looked surprised and just the tiniest bit uncomfortable but said sure all the same. I don’t remember what we talked about but I do remember her telling me a story about Rush. Our friendship started out us hanging out a lot after school, going out to tacos, doing “homework” which actually meant taking naps, and other random ridiculous shenanigans. Now she is one of my best friends, nicknamed my wifu, and the rest is history.


Memory 10: Black friday with Max and Savy. Chaotic running around and yelling things like “back up turn around flip over!” while trying to figure out which way to go. Going into Best Buy just to see some crazy person we know then ducking behind shelves and slinking around trying to not laugh too loud and not be seen.