I am grateful

I am grateful..

  1. For having the resilience to get through hardship
  2. For having the bravery to stand up for myself, be honest and say how I feel when someone hurts me
  3. For having the strength to give people second chances but also the courage to know when they don’t deserve anymore
  4. For the many years of love and loyal companionship that my St. Bernard gave me
  5. For my big family full of head strong people
  6. For my loving mother and her generosity
  7. For my loving father and his faith in me
  8. For my best friend and his love for me
  9. For warm blankets
  10. For nice clothes
  11. For my adorable little chevy aveo Connor
  12. For the years of positive memories that I hold of many friends who love and care for me
  13. For music and how it soothes my heart
  14. For the strength to move forward
  15. For the smiles of my loved ones
  16. For the kind words and the open ears of those who care for me
  17. For my strong relationships with people even when we have moved away from one another
  18. For books and the comfort that their knowledge brings
  19. For science fiction and the vast worlds and ideas that make me feel wonder, curiosity and joy
  20. For blogs where I can express myself endlessly
  21. For journals that I can pour my heart into
  22. For sketchbooks where I can create beauty
  23. For cameras that allow me to share how I see the world with others
  24. For warm beverages that sooth my throat
  25. For laughter that soothes my soul
  26. For water that brings me peace
  27. For nighttime that engulfs me
  28. For hugs that make me feel loved
  29. For forehead kisses that make me feel treasured
  30. For sleepovers that remind me that no matter what I’m not alone
  31. For inside jokes that help keep my bonds strong
  32. For nicknames that help keep me feeling important
  33. For faces whose expressions fascinate me
  34. For the human body which is beautiful
  35. For rain that lulls me to sleep
  36. For sun that warms my skin
  37. For the protective nature of certain friends and family that makes me feel like its ok to be weak sometimes
  38. For the patient nature of some friends that allows me to express myself freely
  39. For when someone holds my hand and makes me feel loved and taken care of, valuable.
  40. For paper in which the potential for creation seems endless
  41. For electronics that allow me to communicate with loved ones that are far away
  42. For jewelry that makes me feel just a little bit prettier.
  43. For warm clothes that make me feel comfy
  44. For cuddles that make me feel important and loved
  45. For soft kisses that make me feel treasured
  46. Funny lines from movies that I can quote and make my friends laugh